Intelligent Hero


The introduction of smart contracts further added more security and value placements on the caliber of transactions that were made using the blockchain technology. At this stage, most real estate investors and experts will prefer to make use of cryptocurrencies secured with smart contracts to ensure the safety of transactions carried out. To even further secure these smart contracts, smart contract security AIs are now ‘the talk of the day’, making more individuals feel safe with the technology. Here at Intelligent Hero, we have devised a unique means of utilizing the blockchain technology to the benefit of a vast majority of people. These include students, freelancers, professionals, and various skilled personnel. We have harnessed the power of the blockchain technology and utilized it to create a community of trust, intellect, standard and professionalism; All geared with the sole objective of ensuring the survival of professional ethics, skilled personnel, and well-structured knowledge exchange within individuals of like minds across a large number of industries and areas of interest.

What is Intelligent Hero?

Intelligent Hero is a platform that combines the technicalities of blockchain technology with the simplicity of an educative community of professionals with descriptions that cuts across various fields, and industries. We offer users the opportunity to connect with like-minds and individuals from other fields of life and gives them the opportunity to relate and share ideas with one another. The intelligent Hero platform enables interactions between members of the community to enable them to share ideas and knowledge which cuts across various fields with each other. Members of the community have access to all the features of the platform while making use of the HERO token to pay for certain things within the confines of the platform

How does Intelligent Hero Work?

Intelligent hero firstly functions as a community that pulls resourceful people from all over the world together to share ideas and knowledge. It is owned and controlled by a group of elites and professionals who are masters in their fields. These persons have come together and set up digital tests that are used to scrutinize incoming members into the community. Especially when these members lay claim to having perfect knowledge on a particular skill. After the tests are administered, the results are stored using the blockchain technology and only the user has access to the results of the test, and the ability to share these results to specific persons if he wants. All the platform does, is based on the results gotten from the user, makes an automatic decision either to verify the user or to null his/her application. The platform uses an ERC-20 (HERO) token to run activities that require payment and users of the platform are required to own the HERO tokens as payments for paid tests and transactional fees, and other minor fees that are attached to making use of the system. These fees exist solely to ensure that the platform can stand the test of time and to avoid frequent donation requests as most platforms that run all their activities free of charge.


The professional community that consists of college degree holders and acquired skill professionals have had a common issue. This is the issue of the verification of the authenticity of certificates held, or of self-acclaimed acquired skills. This creates a problem of trust infringement within the system. Employers can no longer without fear hire freelance workers without fear of under qualification, or no qualification at all. Social media platforms have not made this any easier for a majority of persons who seek certain services. Data theft for the purpose of sales to advertising agencies will not be left out of this. What can we do to solve this you say? Welcome to Intelligent Hero! This is our take.

Our Solutions

Intelligent Community is an intelligent, new, blockchain-powered system that aims at solving the issues of authenticity of claims made by individuals for the services they can offer, or the skills they have acquired. We have created our community with testing abilities that will be pioneered by our elite team of professionals all across the world and our recruit heroes. The tests offered on our platform can serve as a method of assuring users of the trustworthiness of a particular individual. Also because of the exclusive nature of or platform, our integration with blockchain technology makes it difficult for data theft to be a possibility. Complete user controllability is a goal at Intelligent community drive towards with precision.


  • Roadmap

1. IntHERO platform: test and control environment

Test passed, blockchain data storage.

2. Basic tests (soft skills)

3. User portal: profile, ranking of heroes

4. MetaMask Plugin.

5. ielts / toefl / gmat / gre test.

6. User interaction model: hide profiles based on rank, paid access to heroes


7. Tests of academic knowledge, specialization vectors.

8. Hide DApp Ranking

9. Share your rank in DApp to see your hero’s rank and / or test.

Results from external websites, environment for surveys / polls and

A quick way to share on WEB 2.0 (blogs and social networks).

10. Increased data storage on blockchain, interaction of all DApps,

The basic model of self-financing is based on smart contracts.

11. Augmented Reality for Super Heroes and Anonymous Attempts

The video.

12. Extension of the test platform (programming language)

Interpreter environment).

13. Platform for making special tests by heroes and their models

Independent test by the community.

14. Increased control over implementation and additional transformations

Get fame based on smart contracts.

15. SDK, external integration: Tool for writing tests outside the platform.

16. Training provider business account

17. Workplace (DApp), Platform

Search and join users in groups (work).

18. Business accounts for recruiters.

19. Machine Learning Algorithms for Hero Profiles to Help Beginners

Choose your future specialization.

Total supply of 100,000,000 (100 million) HERO

Reservation -15%

Platform Incentives-10%

Air Drop / Bounty-3%


Team & Advisors-8%

Ecosystem Development -30%

Seed Sales -10%

IEO rate 1-10%

IEO Stage 2-10%

Budget allocation

Technical and business development -60%


Work -5%

Legal and Security Services-1%


Upgrade and maintenance -7%


Reserve Fund -7%

Sales Information

Base price – $ 0.5

Token sales end March 20 2020

Seed Sales Step – $ 10.00,000

IEO Phase 1- $ 2000000

IEO Phase 2- $ 3000000

Total Token Supply-100MM

Tokens-30MM is allocated for ITO and IEO

Accepted-ETH, BTC, USD, EUR

Our team


★ Web

★ Whitepaper

★ Roadmap

★ OnePager

★ Token Distribution

★ Facebook

★ Twitter 

★ Telegram

★ Instagram

★ LinkedIn

AUTHOR : Apel malang

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